Friday, March 25, 2011


So I took the NCLEX on February 22nd.  As the test approached 75 questions I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if it just shut off?"  I figured I needed more questions to prove myself though, and tried not to expect anything.  Sure enough, it shut off at 75 questions and I was left with the feeling that maybe I didn't do so well!  But, then I knew there were a lot of analysis questions that I had to have gotten right.

There is a website to look up your results after 48 hours.  I was in the library and just HAD to check at 46 hours--it was there!  I finally remembered I was nervous and clicked on the link.  PASS!  It was exciting!  I took it on Tuesday, knew I passed Thursday, and actually received my license in the mail within another day or so.  I picked up my license while home for Sunday dinner.  Awesome.

Then reality set in.  I needed a job.  After filling out many applications, I got one!  I think it will be a really good experience.  It will include medical surgical/critical care to help me gain a strong foundation.  So I got a job one month after passing boards and now I'll be livin' the dream :)

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