Saturday, November 12, 2011


Here is our final for our TMA 105 class.  I was a little nervous because no one in my group seemed to be taking initiative, so I ended up writing the script with some collaborative changes once we started filming.  We did filmed it in about 8 hours and then Collin (the guy who plays Edward) edited over the weekend. Everyone did a fantastic job!  

Unofficial and probably spelled wrong credits:
Collin Barkdull: Edward
Kirsten Merrill: Bella, Alice
Kirsten's Husband (whoops): Jacob
Mark Heizer: Charlie
Emily Steffensen: Victoria
Ben Hawks: Victim
Special Appearance by Nick Dixon, our TA, as Jasper

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Through Blue-Eyed Lenses

Here are some things I've seen mainly on campus.  I started taking pictures with my iPhone to practice composition.

This was CREEP-y in the HBLL

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So part time nursing was officially too much.  I was doing 14 credit hours of film (which does not factor in all the time you need to spend on projects) plus 24 hours of nursing which took up my whole weekend.  I also had to pull a couple of night shifts.  It was too hard to maintain for where I want to be in my life right now.  So I've decided to save the working-woman until I have to and so now I am a full time film student.  Okay wait, I actually got referred to an editing job for independent study by a friend the same week I turned in my two week notice.  I had an interview and got hired the same day :)  So now I am a part time film editor too.  It is definitely a blessing and I will learn a lot.

My last shift was sad because my first patient passed away.  He was experiencing some respiratory distress and went on a bipap just to maintain an O2 sat of 89-92%.  It was a sweet experience because the family was able to prepare, but it was such a strange way to pause my nursing career.  I think I'm able to say that I did 8 months-which isn't great, but it's better than being a new grad.  I actually will miss the wound care dressing, IV placing, antibiotic hanging, TPN checking, Feeding tube replacing, Wound Vac troubleshooting, butt wiping, PICC line sterilizing, pill passing, IV flushing, foley inserting, and whatever surprise handling I did over these few months.  I wish I kept a better record of each shift's experiences, but there are definitely moments that stick in my mind.

So far this semester has been crazy but fun.  We got right into filming and so far I've done an action film, silent horror, a Swede of Eclipse, and a silent documentary.  In TMA 185, we are currently working on our final fiction films and our final documentaries.  I'll put the stuff online as soon as I can.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Identity as a Filmmaker

My mother has exposed me to the older classics.  Through her, I gained an appreciation for black and white films and Old Hollywood actors.

My dad is more than willing to see any movie with me.  This has had an influence on my filmmaking because I have learned from tasting some bitter as well as the sweet.

This book was the first that I remember wanting to write a screenplay for it.  It is a darling book with tons of potential.  Fortunately, things get remade all the time because the film that is out now does not do the book justice.

My old acting coach, Rick Macy, I believe plays a role in how I view acting and film.  Because I recognized him in a church film when I was younger, I learned to appreciate the art of acting as well as the work required going into film.  One memorable experience was when we acted out the teacher's scene from the 6th Sense.

An episode of this TV show was filmed at my home when I was a little girl.  That was my first peek at what it was like behind the set and I loved it.  I remember there was hallway where the Angel reveals herself and how they set up the lighting.

Barbie World Tour  This clip may have inspired what I did with my dad's old camera when I was younger.  I did a lot of trick photography and stop motion.  Besides reverse footage and magic tricks, I filmed our Chihuahuas acting out a play and a full stop motion version of The Fly, as well as other short stories, with Barbies.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will always have an influence in my identify.  I want to incorporate that influence into my stories.  I would like to write films that use symbolism or include situations in which good principles may be taught.

My media exposure has included things as diverse as Bringing Up Baby to The Simpsons.  So far, I haven't seen many of the film recommendations from our professors, so I look forward to opening new doors.  I am attracted to period pieces, thought provoking dramas, romantic comedies, comedies, and well-rounded films such as Pirates of the Carribean.

Friday, October 7, 2011



So I noticed my hair wasn't growing...nay, it appeared to be shortening!  So, I finally threw in the towel on hair-growing and decided to cut it off.  It turns out it wasn't so bad, but here is to being dramatic anyway.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

So long sweet summer...

Work has been crazy, but good.  One day after a night shift in May, I woke up to a phone call and it was my supervisor.  She asked if I wanted to do day shift.  Groggily, I accepted, and I'm really happy that I did!  Although the days are much more hectic and packed full of zit-producing stress, I have learned so much more.  I've put in Foleys, changed central line dressings, started IVs, admitted patients, administered blood, changed wound vacs, performed dressing changes, and still have been able to draw some labs!  A couple of shifts ago, I even figured out there was some occult blood in some dark and stinky poop :)

So now the count down begins!  I'm all signed up for my fall classes and I just have to make the move at work.  Will they let me stay?  Or will I have to give it all up?  Other decisions such as where to live or what to do also hang in the air...

I had a film friend recommend a couple of movies that he thought I should watch before school.  Gattaca-interesting story, Once upon a Time in the West-pretty cinematography but super slow, and some Hitchcock films were included in his recommendations.  I still need to touch the Hitchcock, but so far so good.
The link below will take you to a video I was in from Quiet Dignity.  Some film people are in charge of it.
Segments from Junior High

Monday, May 23, 2011

On my Own

My Hospital
Last night was my first shift without a preceptor!  Whoever made assignments was nice to me because I got all my same patients back from the night I worked before, except for one.  That meant I only had 5 patients to look out for instead of 6.  I felt really good!  It was a slow night, besides my labs in the morning, (No one's PICC would draw so we had to poke most of my patients and my phlebotomy skills were failing me!) so my paper work was done and I was ready for report.  I think I gave one of the best shift reports too.  It felt good to be free!

After being up all night...
However, to mix things up, I received a call this afternoon that a day shift spot is open.  It will mess up the classes that I planned to take this summer, but since I probably would have been crazy for taking classes anyway, I accepted the position.  I'm nervous because day shift can get really crazy--but on the bright side; no more messy sleep schedule, one less patient, more people available to help, doctors on staff, more experience, and free nights  to hang out. On the downside, I'll have to miss church sometimes and I was starting to like the staff/routine of nights.

So I went into my last room to finish my rounding on the patients this morning and one middle aged guy was awake and sitting in his bed.  I talked to him a little bit and explained how the next shift would be coming in a half an hour.  He asked me to come over to the side of the bed, so I did, and he gave me a hug and kissed me on my cheek to say thank you (he sort of missed and got my neck, but I appreciated the gesture).  Although you could focus on the potential for germs, patients are people too, and it was a perfect ending to my first independent nursing shift. 

It is so beautiful when I drive home at 6:30 in the morning-It's weird to have to go to bed!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Costa Vida

Not Beer
Meet Trent.

I was looking for something to do on a Saturday night and Trent agreed we needed to celebrate making the film program.  These celebratory sodas from Cost Vida were pretty good!  Besides dinner, we went to Barnes and Noble because I meant to get a book for the summer and Trent likes books.  Once I was there, I secretly decided to get a library card so I can read the classics I've been meaning to without committing to buying them all.  I think this reinforces the theory that I have commitment issues or that I'm cheap.  Probably both :)  Trent just thought that I was being nice to want to go to Barnes and Noble.

So now I have my work schedule for the night shift!  It fits well with filming Weighted next week.  We have lots of food stuffed into my new apartment and I'm excited to get rid of it.  After it's done, I am going to go visit my sister in Vegas.  It will be a fun adventure :)

My last day with Jason on day shifts seemed to come up suddenly.  I didn't expect to feel anything, but I guess it was how the official staffer came over and abruptly told us it was my last day with him.  I was a little sad!  I left strong though.  I was a little overwhelmed on Thursday so it helped me to make good goals for Friday-I remembered all the doctors orders and labs.  I also gave report better, knew how to deliver dialysis meds, change the dressings, and I even saved someone's IV.  The tubing broke off and the PCTs hurried to get me with "There is a lot of blood!"  I came in to see that the site was fine and it had been covered so I directed how to put pressure on the catheter and replaced the tubing after clearing my idea with the charge nurse so the patient didn't have to get re-poked :)  It was the first time that I felt the PCT's respected me as a nurse and I delivered.

I was also trying to plan my future today.  I have a lot of options.  Film at BYU or online Bachelor's in Nursing.  For some reason, moving to SLC seems really appealing and film will take awhile, but I'll probably stick it out.  I can use it as an opportunity to practice committing.  Besides, I can always do the online program later.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I made the film program!!! I found out that the emails with the news were sent by a friend's text during my lunch break at work.  When I got home I got to see the email with some good news!  Woo hoo!

I've had several days at work now.  Thursday will be number 7!  Things are going well and I've been able to take on more patients.  On Monday I was in charge of 4/5 of them!  Soon I'll be switching to night shift and I heard the hospital is haunted!  Apparently there is a little girl with dark hair the patient's see when they're slipping onto the other side.  Also, there is a room that always has a linen drawer that always ends up open for no reason, despite multiple attempts to close it.  A PCT told me all about it and now I'm going to be scared!

I sold my contract, moved apartments, and took finals last week.  Pretty good for not being able to study for some of them.  Phewf!  Now I'm all ready for spring/summer :)  Here we go!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day Two!

            My second day of work was on Friday.  I still felt like I was behind all day--we ended up not charting until 1700!   I was more confident in the little mechanical skills though, and my preceptor kept saying things like, "Oh man!  You're getting so strong!" because I could actually open the antibiotics and spike the bags that day.  I also now know how to hang TPN and I got to show my nurse my IV skills-I was really excited.  It was a beautiful IV and I loved hearing my nurse 'awe' in amazement, "Wow! Nice!  Now we know who to go to for our IV skills!"  Good ole' phlebotomy.
             We also had a student nurse following us around that day.  I felt bad because I had to do most of the work so that I could learn my job, but he was nice and didn't seem to mind.  It was weird when I got separated from my preceptor for a time and the student followed me around.  That's got to be illegal somehow...
              In the end, he helped me with a few medications and charted on the patient that he chose so it was nice.  Somewhere in his nursing school journal he'll be complaining about the day though.  In the future, especially when I'm more sure of myself, I'll try to give my nursing students a better experience.  I know how it feels!
              Saturday I took two finals and today I studied for two more.  After tomorrow I'll have one left.  I am a little passed the point of caring, but I am trying to finish strong because I hate the feeling of failure!  I like scheduled finals because, whether you're ready or not, you HAD to take it.  It's nice not having to go to classes anymore and only having to work 3 times a week--summer will be awesome!
             Below is the development of events at the Library on Monday night with my roommate Sara.  And if it wasn't fun enough, the library gave us treats at midnight!  Woo hoo!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day One...

I am a nurse!  It's real but I can't believe it.  It doesn't feel like work--it feels more like I am playing a game of 'act like a nurse'.  It's cool though, and I like it.  I am tied to a preceptor all day and helping him with his patients.

My first day (4/12), I was super nervous.  I probably only got around 3 hours of sleep due to nerves, roommates, and stress with everything coming up.  I was really alert at 5 in the morning though!  I drove to the hospital and met up with my preceptor in the parking lot because he arrived at the same time.  We wore the same scrubs!  I didn't think much of it (I like my scrubs, so why shouldn't he have good taste too?) but every other employee seemed to comment on us matching.

I had five patients and felt pretty good about my assessments.  I liked using the med machine and earned more and more independence as we went along.  I was amazed with how quickly 12 hours went by!  It seemed like we were always passing medications, checking on patients, or charting.

My orientation ends in 15 shifts.  I got a huge packet of things I need to accomplish in 90 days to be competent in my job.  It is a scary sight!  My preceptor says I'm doing well though so I guess I'll just keep chugging along...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Applying for the Film Program

The application for the film program is pretty intense!  It includes two film analysis papers, a top ten significant list, a letter of introduction, three future project ideas, a resume, a graduation plan, an alternative graduation plan, an interview, a creative sample, and an analysis of your creative sample. 

Well, here is my creative sample!  It has its flaws, but I enjoy it, and I really appreciate those who worked with me to make it happen.  Plus, I had an amazing music man to made it more meaningful.

I had my interview on Thursday.  I think I did pretty well!  I had to meet with the faculty for three minutes.  Fortunately, they asked me the question I was most prepared for: "What is your most meaningful movie watching/filmmaking experience and why?"  Also, my own faculty advisor was sitting by me and smiling the whole time, so that helped ease any tension :)  My lecture teacher for my intro to film class tried to ask an intimidating follow up question, about the ethics of filmmaking, to my The Picture of Dorian Gray example but I feel I handled it pretty well.

I was the only girl waiting to be interviewed (at the time).  This should be an interesting experience coming from nursing...

Friday, March 25, 2011


 I have a friend in the film program who was working on a capstone project.  He called me late one night to ask if I would be in charge of Craft Services for the film.  Heck yes!  Here is the link to the film's website.  There are some talented students who I've met on this crew.  We've been working on it for several months now and will film in May.  I'm pretty stoked-and the food will be plentiful.  Eating is my family's forte.


So I took the NCLEX on February 22nd.  As the test approached 75 questions I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if it just shut off?"  I figured I needed more questions to prove myself though, and tried not to expect anything.  Sure enough, it shut off at 75 questions and I was left with the feeling that maybe I didn't do so well!  But, then I knew there were a lot of analysis questions that I had to have gotten right.

There is a website to look up your results after 48 hours.  I was in the library and just HAD to check at 46 hours--it was there!  I finally remembered I was nervous and clicked on the link.  PASS!  It was exciting!  I took it on Tuesday, knew I passed Thursday, and actually received my license in the mail within another day or so.  I picked up my license while home for Sunday dinner.  Awesome.

Then reality set in.  I needed a job.  After filling out many applications, I got one!  I think it will be a really good experience.  It will include medical surgical/critical care to help me gain a strong foundation.  So I got a job one month after passing boards and now I'll be livin' the dream :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


This short "film" was a test to play with my new camera I got for Christmas.  I was so engrossed in the footage that I didn't notice a chicken had died.  I ended up incorporating it into the film, but also learned to appreciate how difficult filming documentaries would be because my dad kept going while I was fiddling with my camera.  Because of this, it's a little broken up but I still think the chickens look good so here it is!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


-Generous Bill-
This short film was entered into the 24-Hour Filmmaking Marathon in the LDS Film Festival 2011.  The contestants had 24-hours to create a video under three minutes in length that incorporated a theme, object, and dialogue line.  This year's theme was generosity, the object was a dollar bill, and the line was "What more can...?"

It was my first time participating in the film festival and I had a lot of fun!  Spencer helped out a lot and we won an Honorable Mention.  Pretty good for a first timer eh?  Now that I know what to expect, I'm really excited to participate in coming years.  Enjoy!

Waiting for the screening to start
Thursday night with Stephen and Trent
Receiving an honorable mention
at the awards ceremony on Saturday